Friday, June 27, 2008

A Thin Line Between Love And Hate ?

Well yea so i was thinking about a lot of topics and ideas last night. Don't get me wrong but I love having no school but I (with my Genius IQ lol) am the type that constantly thinks and with all this free time it's hard because I'm also extremely lazy lol. But anywayz, I was watching TV and someone said there is a thin line between love and hate to his spouse. She argued with him that it wasn't true but it she couldn't explain how. So when i turned the TV off I started thinking about it. I've heard this cliche all my life but is it true? I was contemplating for hours upon hours. Haha jk maybe like 30 seconds lol. But I eventually came to this conclusion. There is a thin line to cross from love to hate. But an extremely difficult treacherous path to take from hate to love. So to put it in a picture for you.... Imagine a mountain top that symbolizes a person's heart and yourself on the summit but it is extremely thin and you could lose your balance and fall off at any moment. Think of the summit as love. Now it is extremely easy to fall to the bottom which logically would be hate. But it is extremely difficult to get back to the top. Especially with all that damage done to yourself. It's not like the first time you climbed up. Before everything was fresh and now you are climbing with a handicap almost. So now you ask but hype how about when people lose love for the person but still have it sort of like two ex's who still have feelings for each other. Simple, they just fell short of the bottom. Well I hope I some knowledge in you ignorant and obnoxious know-it-alls. Haha Just Kiddinggg

-Young Hype
